Thanks to Julian Lane of TheFixItChamp for contributing this helpful article!
Not only can home improvement projects boost the value of your property, they can be great hobbies! Whether you enjoy renovating entire houses or focusing on one room at a time, tackling these projects can be lucrative with the right tools and skillset. If you’ve been thinking about turning your hobby into a venture, there are several ways you can monetize your DIY efforts. Think about whether you want to turn your passion for home renovations into a side gig or a full-time business, and start putting together a few resources to make it happen. Take a look at, where you’ll find helpful tips on real estate investing and building your own business.
You can also consider these strategies as you move forward:
Get others on board
Whether you want to monetize individual projects or build a successful home improvement empire, it’s crucial to gather some followers first. In this age of technology, more and more people are turning to YouTube and other social media platforms for information, and learning how to make home repairs or complete DIY projects is a popular request. Set up a blog or vlog with helpful, engaging content; utilize SEO tactics to bring individuals to you via their chosen search engine. As you garner more followers, you can monetize your website or channel with ads. You can also look for similar brands to partner with in a mutually beneficial relationship.
Make it official
Once you have an audience, you can take the next step with your ideas and solidify your business by choosing a structure, registering a memorable name, and obtaining a business license. When it comes to finding the right legal structure, a limited liability company is by far the easiest to navigate and can be set up in as few as five steps. It also doesn’t require a ton of money, which means you can focus your finances on the business itself. During this process, you can also think about how to set yourself apart from your competition by doing a little research.
Give your business an unforgettable brand
As you’re setting up your structure and learning more about your competitors, it’s essential to think about how you want to present your business to the world. Whether you want to share tips on home improvement projects or take advantage of affiliate marketing opportunities, creating a brand will help your customers and viewers immediately establish a bond with you and identify your business as the one they want to work with. While a logo is only one aspect of your brand, it’s an important one that establishes a visual connection with your audience. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get a great design; instead, make free online logos by using a template that allows you to add the text and colors of your choice to the icon you want or search for a freelance artist on Fiverr.
Head to local events
While setting up an online presence and a brand identity will help you reach a wide audience, it’s important not to forget about the local community. Look for conventions, trade shows, and other events that will allow you to network, spread the word about your skills and ideas, and hook up with other DIY enthusiasts for possible shared projects in the future. The more you can get out there and make connections, the easier it will be to build the type of business you’ve always dreamed of.
Monetizing a passion can take some time, but with the right tools, you can start making money doing something you love without all the stress. Do your research so you can learn about competitors, and don’t forget to take note of what they’re doing wrong as well as what they’re doing right.
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Photo via Pexels